C O U L O M B ‘ S L A W S

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“On graduating from the school, a studious young man who would withstand the tedium and monotomy of his duties has no choice but to lose himself in some branch of science or literature completely irrelevant to his assignment. ” – Charles-Augustin de Coulomb


  • is a law of physics that describes force interacting between static electrically charged particles.
  • The magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
  • The force is along the straight line joining them. If the two charges have the same sign, the electrostatic force between them is repulsive; if they have different signs, the force between them is attractive.

A graphical representation of Coulomb's law

Formula of Coulomb’s Law

Image result for coulomb's law formula

  • F – Electric Force in newton (N)
  • k – Proportionally constant (for air is 9 x 109Nm2/c2)
  • q1 – object 1 change in coulomb (C)
  • q2 –  object 2 charge in coulomb (C)
  • r – distance between Q1 and Q2 in meter (m)

The Coulomb’s law equation provides an accurate description of the force between two objects whenever the objects act as point charges. A charged conducting sphere interacts with other charged objects as though all of its charge were located at its center. While the charge is uniformly spread across the surface of the sphere, the center of charge can be considered to be the center of the sphere. The sphere acts as a point charge with its excess charge located at its center.

Why the electron doesn’t fall into the nucleus?

Electrons should fall into the nucleus even if they weren’t attracted by the charge of the proton, but for me the electrons is moving really fast around the nucleus and because of the electrons have a low mass, even a small amount of energy makes it move very fast. And as i can remember the answer of sir lex of this question that if one takes a positive nucleus and a stationary negative electron, everybody knows that the nucleus will attract the electron, electron will start moving towards the nucleus until the electron falls to the nucleus. But in reality this will going to happen.

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